Avoiding the Resume Black Hole

Monday, March 29, 2010
Astoundingly, 75% Resumes are Overlooked?

If you are like most people you have applied to and uploaded resumes for dozens of jobs and heard nothing back.  This is generally referred to as the "Resume Black Hole".

If you do not know how to beat the Resume Black Hole chances are your resume can be overlooked.  The root of the "Resume Black Hole" problem is a piece of technology called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).  The ATS was designed to streamline the flow of applicants for companies.  This is accomplished by having a central place where all applications and resumes are warehoused.  (Climber.com helps solve this,  please continue on.)

To further compound the issue, ATS's are only 65% to 80% accurate in reading the information in your resume. This means that one-fifth to one-third of the time the ATS is just plain wrong in importing data wholly and properly into the ATS.  If your resume makes this cut, the ATS then screens and ranks your resume against open positions.

Next, resumes that pass the ATS screen are generally sent to a gatekeeper who spends about 30 seconds reading the resume before they decide to move it along to the Recruiter or Hiring Manager or pass it along to the trash can.  About 1 in 10 resumes are passed along to the decision maker who decides if you will be interviewed.

Here are a few more tips:

   1) Job Fit: Make sure the job fits.  Especially in today's tough job environment, it is even more important to make sure that you have the skills and background required for the job.

   2) Join other networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter:  Each offer tools to interact with recruiters and hiring managers.  These are great ways to start open dialogs and ask for a recruiters assistance in routing your resume.

Cheers and good luck in your career,

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